

Personal Blog by Naimul Islam Siam.
Fascinated with JavaScript, CSS and the web.

The Alchemist: Some of my Favorite Moments

☕ 4 min read 📅 April 20th, 2022

Just finished The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Here are some of the quotes, paragraphs, climaxes that hit me the most.

Deno 1.0 is Coming!

☕ 4 min read 📅 March 31st, 2020

Deno 1.0 is finally coming out!! Will it be the successor of Node.js?

Optimize Google Fonts

☕ 6 min read 📅 February 18th, 2020

Get the best out of Google Fonts. Learn some best practices and tips to improve the loading time.

Why I Built This Website

☕ 7 min read 📅 February 3rd, 2020

What motivated me to build my own blog. Know the inside story.

Way to SASS using NPM

☕ 2 min read 📅 March 11th, 2019

Shows how to get set installing SASS on local computer for automatic compilation using npm.